A plea to help save two elders who need our support: Pepeke ʻAike He and Pepeke ʻAike ʻO. They are suffering from the onslaught of English sentence pattern construction and thinking. Here’s what we can do to help. READ MORE →
Learn Hawaiian through analysis of the lyrics of this famous song by Charles Farden and his daughter Irmgard Farden ʻĀluli, written for their home Puamana in Lahaina, Maui, in 1937. READ MORE →
Learn how the ʻokina (glottal stop) is represented in Hawaiian, how to write it, and a little about its written history. Compare the ʻokina character to other characters which look very similar. READ MORE →
Look up the terms we use when talking about Hawaiian grammar and learn about their functions. Compare common English parts of speech and their approximate Hawaiian equivalents. READ MORE →