Read and listen to a typical newspaper story from 1865 about a poor gentleman who fell off his horse and was badly hurt on his way home from work. READ MORE →
Continue your enjoyment of a Hawaiian journal written about Hawaiian royalty on a journey to England in 1887; with accompanying text and audio files. READ MORE →
Beginner, intermediate, and advanced audiobook readings and translation of the first part of a Hawaiian journal written about Hawaiian royalty on a journey to England in 1887. READ MORE →
This lesson follows H0901: Practice Describing Things, so be sure you have done that one first. Read and enjoy a brief story about ʻAilāʻau. Then create your own kaʻi + memeʻa + kāhulu structures that match elements in the story using the vocabulary provided. READ MORE →
This homework assignment will allow you to learn and practice the correct order of kaʻi + memeʻa + kāhulu. If you do not know what those three things are, then you should watch the first four videos in the 0600 Series. READ MORE →
Using this video, you will practice Pepeke Henua sentences that I give you to write down. You will also have to make up sentences of your own after being given vocabulary words. Many of the pictures in the video are variations of those presented in the instructional videos. READ MORE →
The Pepeke Henua allows us to express the idea that “something is somewhere”, either in time or space (place). This video will introduce the use of Pepeke Henua to locate something in space (place). READ MORE →