Vocabulary Quiz #1 for ʻAilāʻau Story Test your recall of the top twelve terms relating to Pele and lava flows in this multiple-choice quiz. The vocabulary comes from the ʻAilāʻau, The Forest Eater story. Please wait... Enter email to receive results: 1. How do you say “fire-pit” or “volcanic crater”?A.puʻu peleB.lua peleC.ahi peleD.luapaʻū 2. How do you say “fire”?A.ahiB.ʻulaʻulaC.welaD.uahi 3. How do you say “steam” as in the steam from a volcanic vent?A.mahuaB.māhuC.uahiD.māhū 4. How do you say “stream” as in a stream of water?A.kahakaiB.waiholoC.kahena puluD.kahawai 5. Which is the word for "rain"?A.auB.uhaC.waiD.ua 6. What is the word for “lava”?A.aʻaB.peleC.pāhuehueD.lava 7. What words do we use to say “lava flow”?A.holona peleB.kahena peleC.pele kaheD.neʻe pele 8. How do you say “smoke”, as in the smoke coming from a volcanic crater?A.ahiB.uahiC.ʻeleahiD.pāpaʻa 9. Which word means “life”?A.ehuB.aloC.olaD.ula 10. Which is the correct word for the craggy, rough, and broken type of lava?A.ʻaʻāB.aʻaC.peleD.pāhoehoe 11. How do you say “territory” or “land”?A.ʻāinaB.fenuaC.mokuD.ʻāinapuni 12. Which word describes the flat, ropey, relatively smooth, and rippled type of lava?A.pahoehoeB.pāhoehoeC.pāhoihoiD.ʻaʻā Loading... Explore Related Content ʻAilāʻau The Forest Eater Memeʻa Quiz #5 Topics Instant Immersion Hawaiian CD Help