Live Weekly Classes Via Zoom
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Join Kaliko Beamer-Trapp for a fun and illuminating eight-week Zoom-based online session focusing on Hawaiian language and culture.
Quick Links
Page Index
General Information
- Introduction
- Eight-Week Sessions
- Current and Upcoming Session Dates
- Registration For Classes
- Class Sample Videos
- Multiple Sections Per Class
Times and Schedule
How Classes Work
- Class Length and Size
- No Textbook Required
- Vocab Learning Apps
- Session Cost
- Class Zoom Information
- Equipment You Need
- BAND Communication App
- The Instructional Approach
Class Descriptions
- Choose Your Level
- Conversational Hawaiian Classes
- Absolute Beginner Hawaiian CH1A
- Beginner Level Hawaiian CH1B
- Beginner Speakers Hawaiian CH2A
- Beginner Speakers Hawaiian CH2B
- Continuing Beginner Speakers CH3A and CH3B
- Elementary Fluency CH4A and CH4B
- Language Lab Hoʻomaʻamaʻa classes
- Papa Makua – Elementary Hawaiian for Parents and Family
- Papa Mele – Hawaiian Song Analysis MH1
- No ka Poʻe ʻŌlelo
General Information
All classes are both fun and challenging! Kumu (instructor) Kaliko will lead you through the lessons in his typical lighthearted and fun-loving fashion, making sure you really enjoy learning Hawaiian language.
Classroom size generally ends up between 12 to 20 participating students per class, and registrations are taken on a first-come first-served basis. You attend your class once a week and each class is an hour long. Kumu Kaliko will upload the class notes, video recordings, and other lesson materials for each class as soon as possible after your class is done each week.
There is always plenty to study on your own between classes, and if you find you have friends in class, make a small study group and enjoy working on lessons together between classes!
Eight-Week Sessions
A “Session” is a set of eight classes spanning a total of eight weeks. Kumu Kaliko teaches five Sessions per year. The price for an entire eight-week Session is $80.
Sessions run as follows: (1) early January into late February or early March, (2) March into mid-May, (3) late May through July, (4) early August into October, and (5) mid-October through mid-December. We usually take a one or two-week break between Sessions.
The Conversational Hawaiian and Mele classes are taught by kumu Kaliko Beamer-Trapp. The Hoʻomaʻamaʻa Language Lab practice classes on Fridays are taught by another kumu by special invitation.
Current And Upcoming Session Dates
We are currently on an intersession break. Classes ended on Friday, February 27, 2025 (except for one additional Papa Mele and CH4B on March 13).
The upcoming Session is scheduled to start on Monday, March 24 2025, and run through Saturday, May 17 2025. Registration is now open.
Registration For Classes
Please go to our NEW Registration Store Webpage to register for the courses shown in the Class Schedule (see below). You can use the online store to sign up any time, even while the Session is in progress.
Late registrants will receive all past class videos, notes, and other materials to catch up. Gift-giving of registrations is always available.
Class Sample Videos
If you would like to see an example of a class from each level, please visit the ʻŌlelo Online Class Sampler Page. You can also use the Sampler Page to help you assess the best level for you to attend, should you need help deciding.
Multiple Sections Per Class
Most classes have two or three “Sections” to help keep class sizes small and to give you an option of when during the day you take your class. We cover the same general content in each Section each week. You will have access to the class videos and notes from all Sections of your class each week using our BAND system.
You can move freely between Sections. If you have a scheduling conflict any particular week, you may attend a different Section than the one you actually signed up for.
Class Schedule & Time Tables
Important Upcoming Dates & Scheduled Breaks | |
Monday, March 24, 2025 | Start of Session 202503 (Mar-May 2025) |
Saturday, May 17, 2025 | End of Session 202503 |
Class Timetable For All Classes | |||
Day | Time | Code | Course Name |
MON | 12 PM HST | CH1A-S1 | Absolute Beginner 1A, Section 1 |
1 PM HST | CH1B-S1 | Beginner 1B, Section 1 | |
2 PM HST | CH1A-S2 | Absolute Beginner 1A, Section 2 | |
4 PM HST | CH1B-S2 | Beginner 1B, Section 2 | |
5:30 PM HST | CH1B-S3 | Beginner 1B, Section 3 | |
TUE | 12 PM HST | CH2A-S1 | Hawaiian 2A, Section 1 |
1 PM HST | CH2B-S1 | Hawaiian 2B, Section 1 | |
2 PM HST | CH2A-S2 | Hawaiian 2A, Section 2 | |
4 PM HST | CH2B-S2 | Hawaiian 2B, Section 2 | |
5:30 PM HST | CH2A-S3 | Hawaiian 2A, Section 3 (kumu Kalani) | |
5:30 PM HST | CH1B-PM | Beginner 1B, Papa Makua (kumu Kaliko) | |
WED | 12 PM HST | CH3A-S1 | Hawaiian 3A, Section 1 |
1 PM HST | CH3B-S1 | Hawaiian 3B, Section 1 | |
N/A | CH3A-S2 | Hawaiian 3A, Section 2 | |
2 PM HST | CH3B-S2 | Hawaiian 3B, Section 2 | |
4-7 PM HST | KHAW 453 | UH Hilo KHAW 453 (UHH Only) | |
THUR | 12 PM HST | MH1-S1 | Papa Mele, Section 1 |
1 PM HST | CH4A | Hawaiian Level 4A | |
2 PM HST | CH4B | Hawaiian Level 4B | |
4 PM HST | MH1-S2 | Papa Mele, Section 2 | |
FRI | 12 PM HST | HM1A | Language Lab, Level 1A |
1 PM HST | HM1B | Language Lab, Level 1B | |
2:30 PM HST | HM2 | Language Lab, 2A & 2B | |
SAT | 12 PM HST | HM3 | Language Lab, 3A & 3B |
1 PM HST | HM4 | Language Lab, 4A & 4B |
Time Conversion Table | ||||
HST | Pacific | Central | Eastern | GMT |
11 AM | 2 PM | 4 PM | 5 PM | 9 PM |
12 NOON | 3 PM | 5 PM | 6 PM | 10 PM |
1 PM | 4 PM | 6 PM | 7 PM | 11 PM |
2 PM | 5 PM | 7 PM | 8 PM | 12 AM |
3 PM | 6 PM | 8 PM | 9 PM | 1 AM |
4 PM | 7 PM | 9 PM | 10 PM | 2 AM |
5 PM | 8 PM | 10 PM | 11 PM | 3 AM |
6 PM | 9 PM | 11 PM | 12 AM | 4 AM |
Time in many places in the world changed on Sunday March 9.
Hawaiʻi time did not change.
Time NOW In Various Student Time Zones
How Classes Work
Class Length and Size
Each class “section” is one hour in length. The first 8-12 minutes of class are given to students to practice speaking and also for social time together. Class size varies by level, but generally does not exceed about 20 students per hour except in the case of the level one classes which can be up to 50 students in size.
No Textbook Required
No textbook is required for any of the courses; all materials will be provided by the instructor. Generally, the instructor’s screen is recorded and the resulting video is made available to students as soon as possible following the class along with class notes and/or other materials.
uTalk And Other Vocabulary-Building Apps
Although not required, you are encouraged to use a vocabulary and/or phrase-builder app on your phone or tablet to learn vocabulary outside of class time. The one we suggest is the one kumu Kaliko worked on for uTalk, called uTalk Hawaiian. Please see our uTalk page for more information and for the discount code so that you get 30% off the annual license as part of kumu Kaliko’s uTalk Hawaiian Classroom. Students really love the uTalk app.
Session Cost
The fee for the entire eight-week Session of classes is $80. This includes the weekly class notes, video recordings, lesson PDFs, and supporting materials for all sections of your class.
You should physically attend only the section(s) that you registered for.
Classes Run Via Zoom
All of the Virtual Classroom classes are held via Zoom, the popular and robust videoconferencing platform. You will be provided with the Zoom Meeting ID when you register as well as in your registration “Confirmation Email”. The Zoom Meeting ID stays the same for the whole Session.
Launch Zoom on your device and select “Join Meeting”. Put in the Zoom Meeting ID that was provided to you, and you’ll be in a “Waiting Room”. Your teacher will let you in at the start of the class hour.
The first 12 minutes of class are given to allowing students to practice talking to one another and “catching up” on the news of the prior week. It’s your time to talk and practice with your classmates before the instructor begins the lesson of the day
Equipment You Need
It is recommended that you use a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer with a screen at least 9.7″ in size – the larger the better. Use wired or wireless headphones to keep the possibility of screeching feedback sounds down to a minimum.
Band Community Forums
We are now using a free online forum and communications app called BAND as a way for your instructor to share all of the class videos, notes, lessons, pictures, and so on as your eight-week Session progresses. You can download and/or view all of the content on the BAND group for your class(es) at any time. BAND also gives you a safe way to communicate with your classmates, to help each other with homework, and to practice your Hawaiian language writing skills at the same time!

The Instructional Approach
Beginner classes in conversational Hawaiian language (CH1A, CH1B, CH2A, and CH2B) are taught through a combination of the grammar-based approach and the communicative approach, and emphasize skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking at the basic level. Instruction also incorporates lessons about, and discussion of, Hawaiian culture and history.
Fluency-level conversational Hawaiian language classes (CH3A, CH3B, CH4A, and CH4B) are taught increasingly in Hawaiian and rely on discussion of various topics to improve competency. Classes frequently use traditional literature and recordings of native speakers to improve cultural understandings, increase knowledge of Hawaiian history, and refine speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.
The “Papa Hoʻomaʻamaʻa” lab/practice classes (HM1B, HM2, and HM3) are taught as much as possible in Hawaiian and rely on discussion and practice of specific weekly topics from the “CH” (Conversational Hawaiian) classes to improve competency in areas such as working in the garden, taking care of children at home, going fishing, going shopping, camping, talking about yourself and others, and more. Note that you need to also be taking one of the “CH” Conversational Hawaiian classes if you want to enroll in a Papa Hoʻomaʻamaʻa lab/practice class.
Mele Hawaiʻi classes (MH1, Sections One and Two) focus on Hawaiian language as used in Hawaiian mele, or poetic compositions. Song background, vocabulary, and grammatical analysis, as well as class discussion, allow for a deeper understanding and appreciation of Hawaiian language and Hawaiian music. The Hawaiian language lyrics, comments, and song example performances are uploaded for the students before class each week in BAND.
Class Descriptions
Choose Your Level
In general, you should do your best to select the correct level for yourself, based on the descriptions below and your previous experience either in the ʻŌlelo Online Virtual Classroom or elsewhere. You can easily move between levels, even during the eight-week Session. You just need to let kumu Kaliko know so that you can be assigned to the correct “Band” group to get your weekly class videos and other materials.
Level One A: Absolute Beginner Hawaiian (CH1A)
Have you been thinking about learning the Hawaiian language and been looking for a friendly absolute beginner class so you can start from scratch? Do you have children or grandchildren with whom you want to speak Hawaiian at home, or who are just starting out in Hawaiian immersion education? Or perhaps you want to learn the basics so you can improve your singing or your understanding of hula. Then choose this Level I Absolute Beginner course.
If you have had no formal instruction in Hawaiian sentence patterns and terminology, then select the CH1A Absolute Beginner class. You should also choose this level even if you have been using Duolingo or a similar app to learn phrases and vocabulary, especially if that has been your only exposure to learning Hawaiian.
We cover all of the important building blocks needed to start reading, writing, and communicating in Hawaiian including:
- The Hawaiian alphabet and pronunciation
- Basic reading skills
- An overview of the “Pepeke” Hawaiian-language model used to describe phrase and sentence patterns
- The four basic Pepeke phrase patterns (locational Pepeke Henua, stative Pepeke Painu ʻAʻano, and two action phrases – Pepeke Painu Hamani and Pepeke Painu Hehele).
- Hawaiian pronouns (papani)
- Single-word modifiers (kāhulu memeʻa)
- Numbers (helu)
- Telling time on the hour
- Asking questions: what, who, and how many?
- Talking about things in the past, present, and future
- Giving commands and suggestions, and saying “should/must”
Level One B: Beginner Hawaiian (CH1B)
If you already have taken CH1A or another introductory course in Hawaiian, or have done some study on your own including the topics shown above from the CH1A Absolute Beginner class, then you are welcome to join CH1B directly. CH1A students are encouraged to move into CH1B after their first eight week session.
As mentioned above, kumu Kaliko teaches using the “Pepeke” Hawaiian-language model, so to start CH1B you will need to know at least what «poʻo», «piko», and «ʻawe» are, as well as the four basic Pepeke: Pepeke Henua, Pepeke Painu ʻAʻano, Pepeke Painu Hamani, and Pepeke Painu Hehele. If you don’t know those things yet, it will be worth your time to go through the CH1A class just to get up to speed.
In CH1B, you will build on the basic foundation attained in CH1A, including the following topics:
- Refinement and practice of knowledge from CH1A
- Pepeke ʻAike He (class-inclusion pattern)
- Pepeke ʻAike ʻO (equational pattern)
- Using numbers both as kaʻi determiners and kāhulu modifiers
- The five basic ʻawe types (ʻawe henua, ʻawe hoa, ʻawe kāhea, ʻawe kuhilana, and ʻawe lauka)
- Telling time in more detail
- Saying that something is on top, underneath, in front, behind, etc. (iʻoahenua)
- Asking basic questions (what, who, how many, which, and yes/no questions)
- Tense markers (māka painu) and special-use tense markers called kuʻa
- Adding Pepeke and parts of Pepeke together using conjunctions and kuʻa markers
- Basic Hawaiian prosody (intonation, rhythm, etc)
Hawaiian for Parents and Family Members (CH1B-PM)
This class is designed especially for beginner-level parents or family members of Hawaiian “immersion” school students, especially those associated with Kūlaniākea in Kāneʻohe, Oʻahu, Ka ʻUmeke Kāʻeo in Hilo, Hawaiʻi, and Nāwahīokalaniʻōpuʻu in Keaʻau, Puna, Hawaiʻi. Since Hawaiian immersion school students —also known as «kula kaiapuni» or «kula mauli ola» students— speak Hawaiian in school, it is important to take time out to improve your own understanding of, and ability to speak, Hawaiian language at home, so that you can communicate meaningfully with them and their friends through Hawaiian language in certain situations and settings.
As parents, grandparents, aunties, and uncles who are trying to figure out how to talk to children about brushing teeth, getting dressed, doing chores, doing homework, working or playing around the house, and so on, you will probably be wondering what vocabulary to use and how to easily memorize some short sentences in order to be able to talk with your keiki. This class will get you going in the right direction; any level of experience from absolute beginner on up is fine. If you wish to be placed into a higher level class after the session starts, we can easily move you across to one of the other Conversational Hawaiian classes listed here.
Level Two A: Beginner Speaker Hawaiian (CH2A)
This is Conversational Hawaiian at the 2A level for beginner speakers who want to focus on refining the basics and adding some more depth to their knowledge, as well as the ability to understand and produce short- to medium-length utterances.
If you understand the basics shown above for CH1A and CH1B, then you are ready to join the CH2A class. In CH2A, you will learn much more Hawaiian language, including the following main areas of attention:
- Further refinement of knowledge from CH1A and CH1B
- Pepeke Nonoʻa He (“something has a something”)
- A-class and O-class possession
- Kāhulu Iʻoa and Kāhulu Nonoʻa modifiers
- More ʻawe types (ʻawe hiaʻo, ʻawe henua, level 2)
- Practice with use of iʻoahenua
- Telling time down to the second
- Basic Hawaiian directionals (hunekuhi)
- Pepeke Makua, Pepeke Keiki (dependent clauses)
- Conditionals (if…then)
- Conjunctions (kuʻina pepeke)
- Confirming and asking for confirmation
- Saying “when” and “whenever” something happens
- When something is obtained (loaʻa)
- When something goes into the possession of another (lilo 1)
- When something becomes something (lilo 2)
- When something is understood (maopopo)
- More in-depth use of Hawaiian prosody
In CH2A, kumu Kaliko will also get your ear used to listening to short phrases in Hawaiian, and get your tongue untied so you can easily produce short sentences reliably and intelligibly. (CH2A is taught using Hawaiian as the language of instruction about 5% of the time.)
Level Two B: Beginner Speaker Hawaiian (CH2B)
The second step in Level Two is “CH2B” which is perfect for students who have been through CH2A a few times and are wanting to string together sentences into paragraph-length discourse, both written and spoken. CH2B students are also exposed further to traditional Hawaiian literature and audio recordings of Hawaiian language speakers. (CH2B is taught using Hawaiian as the language of instruction about 10% of the time.)
CH2B continues on from CH2A with attention paid to attaining knowledge in the following areas, among others:
- Further refinement of knowledge from CH1A through CH2A
- Short storytelling and narratives
- Pepeke Nonoʻa No/Na (something belongs to something)
- One more ʻawe type (ʻawe nonoʻa)
- Kuʻa joining particles for Pepeke Makua, Pepeke Keiki (e, i)
- Iʻoahenua in both ʻawe henua and ʻawe lauka
- Compressed and uncompressed possessives
- Talking about sequences of actions and things
- Times past and future
- Indeed, however, perhaps (nō, naʻe, paha)
- Māka Painu tense markers for storytelling and narratives
- Asking for something or a quantity of something using «i»
- Use of «hoʻo» to make transitive actions
- Using «poʻe», «wahi», and «nui» as kaʻi
Level Three: Continuing Beginner Speakers (CH3A, CH3B)
For those of you who can already understand spoken and written Hawaiian when used in simple and familiar contexts, in short sentences, and spoken with slow cadence, then Level Three Continuing Beginner Speakers will be your level. Take these classes after you have been in Level Two (or equivalent) for several sessions. This class focuses on allowing you to understand and produce more fluid and lengthy sentences.
As with Level Two, there are also two steps in the Level Three classes. You can take “CH3A” after you feel you have learned enough vocabulary and grammar in CH2B and you are able to understand spoken Hawaiian at a slow pace and when repeated. CH3A is taught using Hawaiian as the language of instruction about 25% of the time.
Take the “CH3B” class after you feel you have learned enough in CH3A to be able to take the next steps in your journey. CH3B is taught using Hawaiian as the language of instruction about 50% of the time.
Level Four: Elementary Fluency (CH4A, CH4B)
For those students who have taken Level Three classes (or equivalent) several times, it’s time to move into the Level Four CH4A Elementary Fluency class. This class builds your abilities towards being a fluent reader, writer, and speaker of Hawaiian in increasingly complex contexts. Class is taught using Hawaiian as the language of instruction about 85% of the time. The Level Four CH4B Beginner Conversational Speakers class is taught entirely in Hawaiian.
Language Lab Practice Classes (Hoʻomaʻamaʻa)
This is a great opportunity for you to practice your Hawaiian in various contexts in an easy-going and fun “immersion” atmosphere. Select the class at your ability level or higher: “HM1” is for CH1B-level students; “HM2” is for all second-level students; “HM3” is for all third-level students; and “HM4” is for all fourth-level students — note however that not all HM classes are offered each eight-week Session.
Each week you will learn new vocabulary and receive the class video and notes to prompt post-class practice and discussion with friends. Instruction and conversation is targeted at 100% in Hawaiian for HM2 through HM4. Class sizes for the Hoʻomaʻamaʻa classes are optimized at 8-10 students per class so that everyone has a chance to speak.
Note that you need to also be taking one of the “CH” (Conversational Hawaiian) classes if you want to enroll in a Papa Hoʻomaʻamaʻa lab/practice class.
Mele Hawaiʻi: Hawaiian Song Language Analysis (MH1)
Do you love Hawaiian music and/or hula and wonder what the songs actually mean and how they relate to movement? Do you want to get past simply looking up individual words in a dictionary and then trying to figure out by yourself how they are all working together? This course will help you understand how words are woven together to create meaning in phrases and verses. Kumu Kaliko will guide you, line-by-line, through each of the mele and teach the techniques you can use on your own with any other song. You will learn vocabulary, basic Hawaiian grammar, and delve into the kaona, or layers of meaning, in Hawaiian poetic compositions. To learn more about this course, read the full course description.
No Ka Poʻe ʻŌlelo
Inā e hiki maoli iā ʻoe ke ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi i kēia manawa, a e ake ana e hoʻoponopono i nā hemahema maʻamau e lohe ʻia nei ma waena o ko Hawaiʻi Pae ʻĀina; inā paha e ake ana e kūkākūkā no nā pilinaʻōlelo ʻano pohihihi e huikau ai; inā hoʻi paha ʻoe e ʻimi ana i ka «lawenaleo» (ke kiʻinaleo, ka wikileo, ka panaleo, ka nuileo, a me ke ʻanoleo) o nā kūpuna, a laila ʻo ka papa CH4B Beginner Conversational Speakers kāu papa e komo ai. Aʻo ʻia ka papa holoʻokoʻa ma ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi.
Learn More & Registration
We look forward to having you in a future class. You can register for any class on the Registration Page. If you would like to find out a little more about your head instructor, Kaliko Beamer-Trapp, please see the About page here on ʻŌlelo Online. Aloha!
Go To Top / Rev. 2025-03-12